Our planet, our dedication

Protecting our future

Designed and proudly made in Europe

Our team resides in the EU and we produce eSat exclusively in Europe. We are dedicated to create an european supply chain and build a network with european partners.

High gain antenna

Space Debris Mitigation

Our deployment orbit has a planned orbital lifetime of 6 months. After this period, the atmospheric drag will have lowered the orbit of eSats and possible debris to an atmosperic reentry. This way we ensure the long-term mitigation of space debris, allowing future generation the access to space.

Space Debris / ESA
Space Debris around Earth, Source: ESA

Green electronics

Although it is difficult, we plan to source the majority of our parts from Europe. We also intend to use lead-free solder on components with the RoHS Certification (Restriction of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment).

Electronic PCB

Reusing instead of recycling

We are open to offer discounts for re-occuring missions, encouraging the re-use of the ground station and supporting materials. A lab equipment lending sheme can replace the unnecessary purchase of expensive lab equipment and use it more efficiently.


Carbon neutral missions

Academic and educational eSat missions can have a great positive long-term impact highlighting the problem of climate change. Because these missions themselves should not have a negative impact on the climate, we offer compensation plans offsetting the CO2 emissions of our operation and supply chain.
